What are cosmeceuticals?

At M.E.SkinLab, we define a cosmeceutical product as a cosmetic inspired by the traditional pharmaceutical preparations taking from the formulation and the properties sought. Cosmetics 27 are not just cosmetic products but they are authentic treatments for the beauty and health of the skin.

Universally, skin needs focus on Hydration, Regeneration and Correction.

Cosmetics 27 « cosmeceuticals » are thought to accurately meet most expectations and needs expressed by women. Initially conceived by Michèle Evrard for her own personal need & use, they quickly met many other women’s needs! In priority: skin aging effects, loss and lack of tone, skin slackening, dull complexion, aging spots…

Cosmetics 27 are daily use products that bring nutriments and essential ingredients to the balance of the skin and its functions.